“Make sure people know; whether it be family, friends that you haven't seen in a while, or members in your
closest group, that you are in their corner.”
“I just think a lot of people might not think like they're doing enough…or they're in a bad spot… and if they’re in a bad spot, it’s important for them to understand they still have people who do care about them.
Without saying, it's probably the wrong word—but I am going to use it anyway—I think we need more cheerleaders in society; The people who are in your corner for support. Those who you can talk to…who hype you up and make you feel like you are light enough. The people who are actually excited about you and what you are doing and who you are.
There are times where I feel like I'm invisible in the sense I'm not…being enough for myself or others. Am I doing enough? Am I even helping? Am I doing what I'm saying? I kind of feel like I question if I'm at the right place at the right time…There are days like that, but I try to keep that positive notion of knowing that
I really do have a network, community, and family that I can rely on.
My girlfriend Mallory; she’s there for me. She makes me feel like I am enough. And I try to make sure people know that somebody has been thinking about them. I’ll call people out of the blue to catch up, tell them I miss them or make plans to get together, and just appreciate seeing their faces over FaceTime.
I feel very fortunate to have a group who I feel like is family here in Indianapolis and from home.
I'm blessed to have people who are in my corner.
I look back and I'm very, very happy with where life is…sometimes life can bring you in different directions, and that's okay.
I'm [originally] from Illinois. I went to school in Indiana and did a fellowship effort after school and after that,
stayed in Indianapolis. And now, I am here with you.
There are weird curves in conversations that you have with people in your life that lead you to exactly where you need to be.”
-Zack King